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The American Kennel Club would like to correct some misinformation that is circulating within the fancy. We would appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about the facts on this issue.

The AKC is aware that NIGHTLINE, which airs on ABC, is pursuing a story on canine health, including breeding. The AKC welcomes all constructive dialogue about the sport and on ways to improve the health of dogs. However, all indications are that the story will not be a fair and balanced look at the issues. Under the advice of counsel, the AKC declined to participate but instead provided NIGHTLINE with an official statement:

"The American Kennel Club is the nation's leading not-for-profit organization devoted to canine health, breeding and responsible dog ownership. The AKC's breeding policies and high ethical standards have made us the most widely respected registry in the world. Each year, the AKC performs approximately 5,000 kennel and breeder inspections to ensure the proper care and conditions of dogs and has led the charge in regards to advancing canine health, including founding the AKC Canine Health Foundation in 1995. Since that time, $22 million has been given to more than 500 research projects at 74 vet schools and research institutes worldwide to improve the health of all dogs."

It has also come to our attention that some individual AKC constituents have been approached for interviews or may be approached at dog shows. In this event we recommend politely declining the interview and referring their requests to the AKC's Communications dept at communications@akc.org or 212-696-8343.

You may also direct those interested in this topic to www.akcdoghealth.com for pertinent information.

American Kennel Club Communications

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